Sunday Worship 8:30 and 11:00 am
A “Spirit Filled Room” is located at the rear of the sanctuary for “Spirit Filled Children and Parents.” Busy Bags are provided to help occupy small children during worship. Coffee, cold drinks, and refreshments are available following each service. Special services are held on Festival days and throughout the Lenten season.
Sunday School Sunday (between worship services) 9:45 -10:40 am
Offered September through June for children, youth and adults. Various forums and Bible Studies are offered for adults.
Classes are offered to 7th graders and older. Confirmation is a series of classes and overnight retreats held on weekends from September to May. Confirmation is a two-year program led by the Pastor and lay leaders/instructors.
Bible Study
A Women’s Bible study takes place each Thursday morning at 10 AM. Adult Bible studies are held during the Sunday School hour.
The Senior Choir rehearses on Thursday evening at 7:15 PM, with an alternate and/or additional rehearsal on Sunday morning between worship services. Senior Choir welcomes singers from Middle School through Adult. The Senior Choir alternates between the 8:30 and 11:00 worship services.
St. Michael Bell Ringers
St. Michael Ringers is a multi-generational bell choir. They rehearse weekly on Wednesday evenings at 6:00 PM and share musical offerings during worship monthly throughout the year.
Worship Band
The Worship Band rehearses on Tuesday evenings at 7:00 PM and leads worship once monthly throughout the year.
Youth Groups
The 5th graders, joined by the 6th graders, attend a Virginia Synod Retreat in Lynchburg in
March called “7th Day”. Middle School (6th- 8th) meets the 3rd Sunday of each month. It will be planned and run by the parents. The 6th graders participate in the “7th Day Retreat”. In November the 7th and 8th graders attend the Virginia Synod retreat “Lost and Found”. The 7th & 8th graders are in confirmation. Senior High (9th to 12th graders) meet on Sunday evening for fire pit for fellowship and faith. A calendar of events has been planned for this group for off-site activities. The high school youth attend the Synod retreat “Winter Celebration” in Lynchburg in January.
Men’s Ministry
The Men’s Breakfast is open to men and boys of all ages and meets the second Saturday of each month at 9:00 AM for a potluck breakfast, devotions, and service projects around the church.
Prayer Ministry Team
Prays for the needs of the congregation, its members, friends, and all those in need of special prayers. Prayer needs (which are requests made by congregational members or initiated by the staff) are emailed each Monday (and as needed throughout the week) to the Prayer Ministry Team. Tuesday Morning Prayer group meets at 7 am to pray for those who are ill and in need of prayer.
Sports Ministry
Sponsors a co-ed softball team, golf outings, and other events throughout the year.
Christian Education Team
Develops, plans, and implements the education program of the congregation, from nursery age through adults, including Sunday School, Vacation Bible School, and Bible Study. Maintains a library of written and audio-visual resources for all ages. Partners with other teams for special projects. Sponsors Daily Bread devotionals found at the Visitor’s Center. The meeting time is the fourth Sunday of the month at 1 pm.
Congregation Support Team
Provides food and meals for congregation members in cases of illness, the birth of a baby, death in the family, etc. Hosts receptions following funeral services at the church. Provides other various programs to assist congregation members as needed. Sends cards to mark special occasions and to homebound members.
Invite & Welcome Team
Oversees outreach to visitors, guests, and new members of the congregation. Sponsors the “Bread Ministry” program as well as visits to guests, visitors, and new members. Works to connect and integrate new members to become active in the church’s ministries. They meet quarterly on the third Monday of the month at 7:00 PM.
Fellowship Ministry Team
Responsible for fellowship events in the life of the congregation including Shrove Tuesday pancake supper, Lent Wednesday suppers, Rally Day annual church picnic, special coffee hours, and other fellowship events.
Finance Team
Oversees all financial aspects of the church from counting offerings to preparing the annual spending plan. They meet on the second Monday at 7:00 PM.
Senior Ministry – O.W.L.S.
Older Wiser Lutheran Seniors
Seniors, 60 and above meet monthly for lunch, fellowship, service, mentoring, outreach, and various other social programs. The OWLS meet on the second Tuesday of the month at 11:00 AM for lunch and at various other times during the month for varied activities. Check the bulletin board.
Women’s Ministry – Sisters in Spirit
Meets monthly on various Fridays and/or Saturdays. Check the bulletin board in the fellowship hall for monthly information. The women gather for a themed or potluck dinner, followed by fun and fellowship, with intermittent project days. All women are welcome from college age and above. We are an active group that participates in several outreach ministries such as “Night Night Bags” for foster children, WELCA projects, Luther Manor, and Good Gifts. We also enjoy an off-site November Women’s Retreat.
Property Team
Oversees all property of the church including lawn care, facility cleaning, and maintenance and repairs. They meet on the second Monday of each month at 6:00 PM.
Social Outreach Team
Operates a food pantry on the first and third Tuesday of each month from 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM. This team also collects and distributes clothing to a number of local charities, and partners with Birdneck Elementary School to provide food bags and other items for their students in need, as well as other organizations such as the American Red Cross and Children's Hospital of the King's Daughters. They meet quarterly.
Stewardship Team
Guides the congregation in utilizing individual resources to grow in faith and support the church and mission activity. Conducts an annual “Time and Talent” Sunday and “Gift Sunday” to receive members’ faith commitments, along with ongoing education to increase stewardship awareness. They meet on the fourth Tuesday at 7 pm.
Worship and Music Team
Responsible for planning, organizing, and executing the overall worship life of the congregation. The ministry team meets with the Pastor and Deacon and music staff to plan services. They also provide direction to the Altar Guild and other groups in worship preparation. They meet on the second Tuesday of each month at 6:00 PM.